Short story longed for...
Tod Browning's film Freaks is supposed to be a horror classic, and my understanding is that it's pretty much the only film to show this many circus freaks (a term that doesn't seem to be an insult according to the documentary on the DVD - and don't call him a "barker", he's a "front talker" apparently). For that, it's somewhat revolutionary. And there are a couple of scenes toward the end that are pretty creepy, but that's balanced by the utterly uncreepy and lame ending tacked on in which the midget couple get reunited by the good-hearted circus performers.
The movie's a curiosity that's fun for a bit of a lark in sixty-two minutes, but it's nothing really wonderful. I'd recommend either the short story "Spurs" on which the movie is based, 'cause it's way creepier than the movie or a viewing of The Terror of Tiny Town the only entirely midget cowboy movie ever made. It's a more entertaining watch; it's the exact same length as Freaks, and it's available in entirely streaming video online.
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