
The big three...new again...

A number of artists and writers have taken on the task of defining aspects of the relationships between DC's three greatest superheroes - Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Of late, the relationships among them have become the focus of the entire DC universe through the Identity Crisis and then Infinite Crisis miniseries, shattering the trust that each held in the other.

Trinity looks back on a non-canonical first meeting between Wonder Woman and the other two and turns out to be an outstanding reflection - both in plot and art. Matt Wagner has produced a near-definitive take on the three heroes, capturing the escence of their personalities wonderfully while still allowing each to be heroes. We get internal monologue - which I often find a weak writer's way out, but that works wonderfully here. We get beautiful lines and emotional colors. And we get a great trio of villians to provide adequate foils that don't overpower the true heart of the story which is the relationship building - complete with missteps and feints - among the three heroes.

My review would pale, however, next to those that others have written. Check out the reviews, and then grab the book from your local library...You won't be disappointed...


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