
What the **** is this? A vicar's tea party?

Outstanding...tight...great acting...great storyline (a bit confusing, so follow along)...all together phenomenal...Layer Cake is excellent.

I checked it out from the library last week and got around to seeing it this weekend. It's still as excellent as the first time I saw it (in the theater a year or so ago). Based on the acting and the whip-crack quick writing, this moves easily into my top five organized crime movies. It's not The Godfather, but it's a hell of a lot more fun.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Joe G said...

What is the dude's name? Couldn't figure that one out. Loved the movie, though

At 7:19 PM, Blogger PHSChemGuy said...

He doesn't have a name at all...Karlen read the book, and it's never revealed there, either...on imdb.com they list him as XXXX because no name is ever given...

At 6:01 PM, Blogger PHSChemGuy said...

Yeah, good luck with that...he doesn't have a name, and neither does the main character in Fight Club...


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